
Initializing a project

The doxidize init command sets up your project for use with Doxidize.

To do so:

$ doxidize init

When you invoke doxidize init, here's what happens:

First, it makes sure that you haven't already initialized a project; that would be an error!

Next, it creates the top-level docs/ directory, as well as a docs/ file.

Then, it creates a Doxidize.toml at the root of your project. This will be empty.

Next, it will copy each of your examples over into the docs/examples/ directory.

Once that's done, it knows enough info to build an initial Menu.toml, containing the files it's generated so far.

Finally, it will analyze your source code. To do this, it invokes cargo check with some special flags. It will then load up the result of the compilation, and use that to generate API docs inside of the docs/api directory. It'll include any docs that you have previously written in documentation comments.

Your project is ready to be documented!